
2011.352 Borrowing and Debt

Industrial civilization has become enslaved by the financial sector. There is only one way out but it will be hard to achieve.

The simple rule is,

never borrow again.

Pay off all debts, restructure or renounce them. Then

never borrow again.

For sovereign (and not-so-sovereign) governments that need to borrow just to keep running, there is a way to keep on borrowing but escape from your banking slavery:

Only borrow directly from your own citizens

Sell bonds in small denominations directly to your citizens through postal offices, public transportation stations, municipal halls, and any other government buildings. Advertise them as a civic responsibility and pay low interest rates. Make up for the low rates by declaring the interest free of taxes. And raise the tax rates on all other interest paying instruments.

We used to do this in America. They were called US Savings Bonds. We also offered War Bonds in the 1940s.

We can do it again.


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